
Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy

What information we need get from you?


We need know where the truss case you want to set up. may collect information about you directly from you or from other ways for your company, contact, items you need, the country you from, the links you click, the length of time your visisting our site, the frequency you visiting our website,ect. 


Why we need know your information?


We need your information, including your personal contact, so that we can we can provide the satisfaction and best services to you, and communicate with you conveniently and respond to your inquiries and maybe offer you some professional thonology or ieads for you when neccessary.

For example, when we get your location, we may be familiar with the local characteristic there, and we might share with you what kinds of Truss and stages are popuplar there and recommend you what to do next. Sometimes we may also have promotional purposes in some markets, and we can update you in time when we have the promotional purposes.


We may also use your information, such as your email address, whatsapp, facebook,ect, to send you our updated news for Stage Truss, Truss Roof System,  Mojo Barrriers, special promotions,or the right products which may interest you.


We might share your information after we have got your permition.


Somtimes we may need to disclose the information we collect from you to our subsidiaries. Under this condition, their use and disclosure of your personal information will be also subject to this policy. After we get your permition,  we may share information with some of our selected business partners who may conact you locally, so that they can contact you with offers or other service which may interest you.


How We Share Your Information.


To protect both you and our safe  transaction, we may also need to disclose the informatioin we collect from you when we find it neccessary for the third party to investigate, prevent, or tack action regarding the illegal activities, such as involving potentional threast to the safetfy of any person.

leave a message

leave a message
If you are interested in our products and want to know more details,please leave a message here,we will reply you as soon as we can.



